Belikova Svetlana

Фотография репетитора Belikova Svetlana

Репетитор по английскому языку

Частный преподаватель / Стаж 13 лет

Общий курс
С носителем языка - разговорная практика
Подготовка к интервью
На сайте: 6 лет
Сейчас набора учеников нет

Форматы и цены индивидуальных занятий

Взрослые кроме абитуриентов и студентов 2500 ₽ / 45 мин

Доступные станции метро

Регион репетитора

Москва и Московская область

Свободное время для индивидуальных занятий

6:00 7:008:009:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:0019:0020:0021:0022:0023:00
Взрослые кроме абитуриентов и студентов 1500 ₽ / 30 мин

Свободное время для индивидуальных занятий

6:00 7:008:009:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:0019:0020:0021:0022:0023:00

О себе

I'm a certified and experienced Native English Educator from the U.S. with over 5 years of experience. I have proven abilities in working with a
 wide range of age and English levels. I also foster student development through encouragement, passion and persistence. I 
constantly research teaching strategies to further student's educational and personal growth. I always tailor my lessons to the needs of my students.


University of Washington Подтверждено Год окончания: 2014, Факультет: Communications, Специальность: Politcal Science and Communications, Квалификация: Bachelor of Arts


TEFL Certificate Подтверждено
GEPIK Teachers Workshop Подтверждено

Опыт работы

Native English Tutor Moscow, Russia 01/2018 to CurrentWorking as a Native English teacher for adults and children. Conducting weekly lessons which involve reading, writing,
 grammar and critical-thinking skills. Striving to to encourage conversational skills using prompts from realistic
 situations. Furthering English language learning, through reading of numerous texts of various genres appropriate for 
the age and development level of each student. Carrying out monthly assessments to analyze students' progression, 
strengths and weaknesses.
Corps member/Teaching Assistant Seattle, USA 09/2012 to 06/2013
Participated as an AmeriCorps member in an award-winning network of volunteers who provide individualized 
attention and positive adult-children relationships to prepare children attending preschool in low-income neighborhoods
for school success. Implemented early childhood curriculum, supported family involvement, promoted children's
language and literacy skills through ongoing relationships with ten partner children, and increased adult support in the
learning environment. Collaborated with a team of three Corps members to plan twice weekly in-classroom activities
 for a class of 18 preschool children. Received intensive training and professional development in early childhood theory
and practice, language and literacy development, leadership skills, and communication with families.
Native English Teacher Gapyeong Elementary School, South Korea 03/2015 to 03/2017Taught English to beginner, intermediate and advanced learners for Elementary grades 1-6. Developed and directed
 Summer and Winter English Camps for students in order to further English ability and foster creativity. Established and enforced
 rules for behavior and procedures to maintain order among classes. Developed and implemented interactive lessons to 
increase student understanding of course materials. Received praise for the creativity of classroom lesson plans and 
instructional techniques from students, parents and faculty.


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