Шефер Ян Валерьевич

Фотография репетитора Шефер Ян Валерьевич

Репетитор по английскому языку

Частный преподаватель / Стаж 1 год

На сайте: 10 месяцев

Форматы и цены индивидуальных занятий

- 50% скидка на первый урок
Школьники с 10 по 11 класс, студенты колледжей и техникумов, абитуриенты 800 ₽ / 45 мин
Школьники с 10 по 11 класс, студенты колледжей и техникумов, абитуриенты 1000 ₽ / 60 мин
Студенты университетов 800 ₽ / 45 мин
Студенты университетов 1000 ₽ / 60 мин
Взрослые кроме абитуриентов и студентов 800 ₽ / 45 мин
Взрослые кроме абитуриентов и студентов 1000 ₽ / 60 мин
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Свободное время для индивидуальных занятий

6:00 7:008:009:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:0019:0020:0021:0022:0023:00

О себе

I am a very patient teacher. This means that I will focus on having a conversation without trying to correct your mistakes too often throughout our talk unless it is essential. I will provide you with a document at the end of the lesson where I will summarize points you need to work on in your free time. I can also give you suggestions about resources you could use for your language learning, such as films, books, and podcasts.

We can talk about any theme you would like; however, I would also prepare for our lesson by researching a popular topic and suggesting materials that cover it. These materials can be audio, written, or visual. From time to time, I will create unique small audio summaries of world events. Additionally, I will record some conversations with my friends in English so that you can improve your comprehension and see what a real-life conversation looks like with people from different countries.

It should be pointed out that I would propose a conversational approach to language learning. This means that I expect students to have at least an A2/B1 level for proper language acquisition.

I have tutored people from different countries in English, focusing on proper pronunciation and conversational practice. For instance, I assisted a person in improving their confidence in the conversational part of the IELTS exam, which ultimately enabled them to achieve a higher overall score on the retake exam.

As for myself, I have learned English very quickly. In just 1.5 years, I was able to move up from A2 to B2 level by creating an immersive environment. In 2019, I attained a C1 level in English. I have also completed a degree fully taught in English, which is recognized as acquiring a C2 level by the European Commission.

Payment: I accept advance payment


Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences Подтверждено Год окончания: 2023, Факультет: International Business Administration, Квалификация: Econimics and Management


Я люблю изучать иностранные языки. Именно потому я говорю на Итальянском, учу Нидерланский и имею базовый уровень Немецкого и Болгарского.

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